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Grand Prix of Scottsdale

Location Waterfront, Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Date November 07, 2015

The inaugural Grand Prix of Scottsdale will roar to life on November 7th, 2015. This unique and stylish auto racing event held in the streets of downtown Scottsdale will be a celebration of the roaring 1920's era race cars, their legacy of craftsmanship and the ladies and gentlemen who aspired to drive them.

Auto racing and car aficionados from all over the country will descend on downtown Scottsdale to see the first racing event of its kind. The Grand Prix of Scottsdale will be a ‘gentlemen's race’ with original 1920's era attire, including clothing and racing gear.

On race day, The Grand Prix will commence with the Mayor of Scottsdale, Jim Lane, leading a parade of these mini vintage replica karts through downtown Scottsdale to the Finish Line for the inaugural start. The road race will feature an anticipated 32 (the original number of cars in the first Grand Prix in 1901) handcrafted and custom vintage replica karts, promoting international flair, including timeless European automotive designs by Bugatti, Ferrari and American classics like Dodge and Ford. These unique and handcrafted karts are expected to draw custom kart builders and car enthusiasts from all over the country.

Throughout racing history, Grand Prix events were set in exotic and classic settings like Monaco and LeMans. Now, you can be part of racing history with all the action right here in downtown Scottsdale. It's a destination unlike any other with world class shopping, dining and entertainment as part of the course. Add the sounds and glamour of 1920's era Grand Prix cars, Gatsby-style fashionistas and a corporate party environment that will bring you back in time to enjoy a piece of racing history.

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2015-10-29 02:40:03 # 30079
Comment by David M
I won V.I.P. tickets to the event!!! WOO WOO!!!

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